Busola Elegbede

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Monday, July 11, 2011


On a bright and beautiful morning in the wide open space decorated with canopies, many gathered at the NATIONAL MUSUEM, ONIKAN LAGOS for this event tagged AFRICAN LACE, The date JUNE 3RD 2011.
Growing up in Nigeria, the word ‘AND CO’ is synonymous with parties (engagements, marriages, births,  naming ceremonies, funerals) and fun festivals. 
The words ‘AND CO’ have been spiced up with the tone and tune of the Yoruba language. It is when the celebrant or invitee decides to pick a fabric as the official fabric of the day. The fabric of choice is most likely AFRICAN LACE although there are other fabrics like ADIRE, WOODEN, ANKARA and other African fabrics of choice.

 The beauty of this is that the invited guests can then have it custom made to any style of their choice. Back in the 50’s and 60’s the choice design for women is the ever reigning buba and iro (blouse and wrapper)  and for men buba and sokoto (top and trousers).
In recent times a variety of styles and designs are picked, there are no more unwritten boundaries. Everything is sewn and anything goes, from skirts, trousers, Capri pants, gowns, shorts, off shoulders, mono tops, shirts, caftans just name it and it can be done.
This exhibition organized by the NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR MUSEUM AND MONUMENTS & MUSUEM OF ETHONOLOGY VIENNA, AUSTRIA is a compilation of researched material from VIENNA, AUSTRIA and NIGERIA. It highlighted the historical journey of the LACE fabric and how NIGERIAN’S has made its way as part and parcel of our history and culture. In attendance were dignitaries, The Austria ambassador, The British High Commissioner to Nigeria,  Erelu Dosumu. 
Keynotes and addresses from Dr. Sabine Haag KHM, Vienna, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation and curators Dr. Barbara Plankensteiner and Mr. Nath Mayo Adediran carried us on the historic journey of the AFRICAN LACE to date.
The Cultural dancers swayed to gongs and the rhythmic beats of the Bata drums with their voices in sync.  The music got us moving and we swayed along into the gallery to feel, digest and see the researched materials and fabrics from old Nigeria. Digital recordings of the manufacturing of the AFRICAN LACE played and took you on a tour to the factories producing the beautiful fabrics.
A picture of young President Olusegun Obasanjo got a lot of comments as he surprised many looking handsome and calm in the OLD LACE. Old pictures of BENIN monarchs, album pictures of JUJU MUSICIANS in OLD LACE and Lagos party goers lined the walls as we all slowly absorbed the images that would stay fresh in our minds forever.
Our mouths then danced to the tune of the soothing cool tempo music as we all munched on top notch light refreshments and sipped wine.
As with all great beginnings, everything must surely come to an end. The Exhibition of AFRICAN LACE, a beautiful blend of culture and people citizens of our beautiful symbiotic world.
                 Written by

   COPYRIGHT © 2011


Robinson said...

Nice post and nice information too. I read your post. It's really nice and I like your post. It’s very simple to understand........Thank you for sharing...........

Nigerian Lace


Thanks Robinson, have a lovely week

Unknown said...

Very good post. thanks for sharing.
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