Interesting topic, so much can be said about a playwright and you are about to find out why.....
‘The power of the pen, they say is mightier than the sword’; this adage is true, for Nations rise and fall and life still goes on.
One sure thing through all the ages is that, ‘WORDS’ of wisdom from time immemorial has stayed with us. ‘WORDS’ passed on from generations to generations as folk tales, riddles, proverbs, poetry, philosophical teachings and legendary plays from Aesop, Aristotle, Plato, Margaret Mead, Rene Descartes and William Shakespeare.
The mediums mentioned ‘folk tales, riddles, proverbs, poetry, philosophical teachings and legendary plays’ are capable of improving the quality of life and help reshape our values and remind us of our social and moral responsibilities in our ever evolving society.
Albert Einstein a thorough distinguished scientist said ‘small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds’, this brings us to the reason why words written or said by great men and women live on.
A playwright’s mission is to see and think of the best way to convey the message of the play, stimulating questions of moral choice and the resulting consequences of the choices made while conveying the target or intended emotions of the play.
A playwright therefore probes into the very intriguing human nature, fearlessly and with a magnifying glass, honestly showcasing the meaning and mystery of life. It could be in the form of a historical play, ritual drama, a satire or a drama deeply embedded in propaganda.
William Shakespeare wrote plays reflecting the political and social situation of his time plays like MACBETH, ROMEO AND JULIET. As we read or watch his timeless plays; we are whimsically drawn into it and understand the political climate of the time and the wants and needs of his unforgettable characters
Ola Rotimi used his plays to show case the plight of people living with Leprosy and in his play THE GODS ARE NOT TO BLAME he made us question who really is to blame are we truly helpless and ruled by destiny or are the choices we make, to blame. Ask this question now and the diverse answer will expose us to the beliefs and mind set of the people answering the question.
Wole Soyinka used his play THE TRIALS OF BROTHER JERO to question people’s attitudes, our wants and needs vary and the means we are willing to use to get it may be questionable but the question remains, why do we forego our morals and continue to put material gains first?
As a playwright I have mentioned some of my mentor’s, people that made me put pen to paper and write about the challenges of living and the struggle of holding on to our moral values when faced with dire needs. My first play THE WAR IN THE SKY is a satire, questioning the choices we make and revealing the consequences of our action, the victories are temporary the consequences of our actions linger on and prompt a counter reaction.
Collectively, playwrights are in a sense the conscience of the society, tackling from different angles, the challenges of balancing, upholding morals and living in society. As a notable woman who gingered people to band together and change the way people think said:
‘Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has’ - Margaret Mead
In examining plays, we delve into a characters world and see all that happens. We see the struggle the character encounters and the pressures from society are so compelling that the character foregoes all morals and selfishly or selflessly makes a decision that starts a chain reaction that moves the play into high gear.
Every day, people are faced with similar situations and have to make decisions, some are morally right but the consequences make us suffer. It may be temporary, good or bad and may prompt a positive or negative change in us.
At this point I would like to bring up an issue in our society; affordable health care is a major challenge and the war against corruption.
SITUATION: If a man needs money to save his daughter and is given bribe, money he needs and rejects it. The question is what is the outcome?
If he has alternatives, health insurance, will he reject or accept the bribe. As a man brought up on moral values the clear answer is that he should reject the bribe, but as a father with the daughter as his only child. A man who may not have access to health insurance because of ignorance or some other reason should he take the bribe?
As a playwright I could set out to show the deeper consequence of ignorance or the corrupt official that has crippled the health insurance. However I set up the play, it raises a lot of questions with an outcome that should be true to the society we live in.
It is pertinent that as playwrights we are true to our cause, and write about the challenges we face; for we will come to this earth and go but one thing that will outlive us are ‘WORDS’
So I end this write up on playwrights as the conscience of the society with words from one of my mentor’s:
‘This above all: to thine own self be true’- William Shakespeare
Time goes by slowly but surely, and with every year we get older, battles are fought within us and all around us but the will to go on makes us strive and don’t doubt it for eventually, we become better people.
‘Believe it’s possible, it’s possible believe’ - Busola Elegbede
***Busola Elegbede***
**COPYRIGHT 2012**
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