Busola Elegbede

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012


In the 90’s a story captivated and won over my heart; many writers had stories but none with a line that amused and startled me. ‘Oh God his child moves in me’

Call me naïve back then but I cold not imagine a girl pregnant unmarried and without guilt
So you can imagine my shock when I read the words made famous by Zulu Sofola’s character ‘Oh God his child moves in me’

 I had never heard a tale told with such precision and passion about love, tradition and rebellion. It was a play on or school curriculum and yesterday, my friends and I laughed and reminisced about the bold character in Zulu Sofola’s play ‘WEDLOCK OF THE GODS’

So I did the thing we all do when we want more information about a writer that has such a remarkable impact on our memory. I googled ZULU SOFOLA

She is from Delta state, a lecturer, singer, dancer and of course a renowned playwright
What got us screaming and cheering was the fact that she is the first published playwright in Nigeria and is widely celebrated as Africa's first female Playwright and first female Professor of Theatre Arts.

 And I was thrilled to know that a delicious taste of the beautiful fresh and entertaining piece was show cased outside the shores of Nigeria in 2010


The Virgo Foundation in association with the Cochrane Theatre presents:
A Charity Gala Performance and European Premiere

by Zulu Sofola

Words do outlive us and when a great writer captivates and educates millions. We give credit and honor such writers

Thank You Zulu Sofola

SO wherever you are, be encouraged to put pen to paper and write about what you are passionate about and you will be recognized

    ***Busola Elegbede***
     **COPYRIGHT 2012**

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